Manatt Healthcare Chair Provides Answers on Health Reform Ruling
Manatt Healthcare Chair Provides Answers on Health Reform Ruling
“Q&A: We Now Have a Framework for Health Reform”
Healthcare Finance News
June 28, 2012 – In a special Q&A session, Healthcare Finance News looked to Manatt’s William Bernstein, chair of the firm’s Healthcare Division, for insight into how health reform will play out since the Supreme Court ruled it constitutional.
Healthcare Finance News’ questions for Bernstein ranged from whether he was surprised by the ruling to how the ruling will affect the upcoming presidential elections. When asked what the ruling means for Manatt clients, which includes states and providers, Bernstein said:
“For most of our clients either on the provider or payer side, this is good news. It provides clarity and it provides expansion of benefits ... I think most of our clients who are running businesses but are also very committed to providing healthcare access and quality care view the ACA as a really positive thing.”
Read the article here .