Manatt Health Professional Discusses Reactions to Stage 2 Meaningful Use Rule

Manatt Health Professional Discusses Reactions to Stage 2 Meaningful Use Rule

"CMS Rule on Use of Electronic Health Records Gets Mixed Reviews"
The Hospitalist

September 12, 2012 - Manatt's Brenda Pawlak, a director with Manatt Health Solutions, discussed with The Hospitalist the mixed reactions health providers and trade groups expressed over the final rules on Stage 2 compliance for "meaningful use" of electronic health records (EHR).

As reported by The Hospitalist, physician groups have lauded the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' for pushing back the implementation of Stage 2 meaningful use requirements to 2014, but have praised the agency for lowering the percentage of a practice's patients who interact with an online portal to 5%. However, some providers think the percentage will still be difficult to meet.

"I don't think the 10% to 5% is a substantive change," Pawlak said.

Some physician groups also lamented that the deadline for Stage 1 compliance remains unchanged at 2015. As physicians and provider groups attempt to comply with myriad rules, Pawlak said, meeting the 5% threshold will emerge as more burdensome as the deadline approaches.

Read the article here.