Deborah Bachrach Speaks to Modern Healthcare About States' Health Exchange Plans

 Deborah BachrachSpeaks to Modern Healthcare About States' Health Exchange Plans

"Surge of Exchange Plans Expected From States"
Modern Healthcare

November 10, 2012 - Manatt's Deborah Bachrach, a special counsel in the firm's Healthcare Division, spoke to Modern Healthcare about the options that states have with regard to creating health insurance exchanges.

As reported by Modern Healthcare, the recent presidential election may have resolved the political battle over the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act enough for half or more of the states to move forward with creating their own health insurance exchanges. States now have until December 14 to submit their blueprints.

So far, 16 states have enacted exchanges through either statute or executive orders and are expected to submit plans for review. Another 10 states could have applications ready within a few weeks. More states might move forward with their own exchanges, if the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services releases a series of long-awaited rules. 

However, states may also opt to pursue a "partnership" model in which state and federal governments split responsibilities for the exchange.

Bachrach said that the time pressures will lead some states to use the partnership model as a "way station" until they can operate their own.