• 04.10.19

    5th Annual East Institutional Real Estate Investor Forum

    Manatt is pleased to sponsor the Markets Group’s 5th Annual East Institutional Real Estate Investor Forum, which will take place on April 10 at the Union League Club in New York City.

  • 03.12.19

    First Annual IMN Opportunity Zones Forum

    Manatt will sponsor the Information Management Network’s (IMN) inaugural Opportunity Zones Forum on March 12, 2019, at the Union League Club in New York, New York.

  • 01.08.19

    Manatt Attorneys to Present on Opportunity Zones, January 8–10

    Manatt is pleased to host Opportunity Zones presentations for clients at Manatt’s Los Angeles, Orange County and San Francisco offices.

  • 10.25.18

    Opportunity Zones: Tax Advantaged Investing in Low Income Communities

    Manatt will sponsor Opportunity Zones: Tax Advantaged Investing in Low Income Communities, a Women in Housing and Finance event, Oct. 25 in New York.

  • 10.18.18

    Novogradac 2018 NMTC Fall Conference

    Manatt will again sponsor Novogradac’s New Markets Tax Credit Fall Conference.

  • 10.02.18

    Novogradac 2018 Opportunity Zones Conference

    Manatt will sponsor the Novogradac 2018 Opportunity Zones Conference, Oct. 2-3 in New Orleans, LA.

  • 06.07.18

    Novogradac 2018 NMTC Spring Conference

    The Novogradac 2018 New Markets Tax Credit Spring Conference attracts investors, community development entities and developers from across the country who want to build industry connections while discussing how the NMTC program may be affected by comprehensive tax reform.

  • 04.19.18

    Manatt Sponsors Regulation A+ Offerings Program

    Manatt is pleased to co-sponsor a program discussing the current state of Regulation A+ capital raising transactions, titled “Regulation A+ Offerings—How They Are Done, Who Is Doing Them and What the Future Holds.”

  • 01.25.18

    Novogradac 2018 New Markets Tax Credit Conference

    The Novogradac 2018 New Markets Tax Credit Conference will explore topics that focus on current issues and best practices in the community development world.

  • 10.19.17

    Novogradac 2017 NMTC Fall Conference

    The Novogradac 2017 New Markets Tax Credit Fall Conference attracts investors, community development entities and developers from across the country to build industry connections while discussing how the NMTC program may be affected by comprehensive tax reform.



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