Wood to Speak on Generative AI Panel at the 2023 ISACA Spring Conference Networking Forum
Manatt Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement Partner Jessica Wood will speak in a keynote panel session titled, “Innovation and Digital Trust with Mind-Blowing Generative AI,” at the ISACA Los Angeles 2023 Spring Conference CIO/CISO Networking Forum, to be held at the Universal City Hilton in Los Angeles on April 3, 2023.
For over 22 years, the ISACA Los Angeles Annual Conference has been the leading IT Governance, Risk Management, Security and Assurance event for Southern California, providing educational value and networking opportunities. The “Innovation and Digital Trust with Mind-Blowing Generative AI” keynote panel will provide insights on generative artificial intelligence (AI) and its functions, what it takes to build trust into AI, privacy and security implications and what is being discussed in corporate boardrooms about cybersecurity risks and digital trust.
To learn more, click here.