Manatt Sponsors and Speaks at LA Tech Week 2023 Events

Manatt Ventures Partner Thomas Michael will speak on a panel session at ScaleHealth’s marquee health care event, “State of Healthcare: Post-Covid 2023,” during LA Tech Week 2023 on June 7, 2023. The panel will discuss the venture capital and startup landscape in the health care industry following COVID and during the current economic downturn. Manatt is a proud sponsor of ScaleHealth.

To learn more, click here.

Manatt is also a sponsor of Stanford Angels’ private wine tasting event, also on June 7 during LA Tech Week.

LA Tech Week 2023 returns for a second year to showcase the city as a growing technology hub, focusing on the growing ecosystem of founders, VCs and investors. Tech Week 2023 will focus on connecting thousands of founders, investors and builders to push 2023 through any would-be recession.