Manatt Women’s Initiative Video Simulcast

The Manatt Women’s Initiative, in conjunction with Bates White, will host the presentation “How to Establish Your Credibility and Speak With Conviction” on January 30, 2018. The event will be held concurrently in Manatt offices on both coasts, connected by videoconference.

The speaker is Christine K. Jahnke, president and founder of Positive Communications, a Washington, D.C.-based speech coach who is passionate about helping women become well-spoken leaders. A motivating speaker, she shares behind-the-scenes insights on how to earn the respect of any audience. Women executives at Avon, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Coca-Cola, Deloitte, Intel and Northrup Grumman have turned to Chris for guidance on presentation skills.

The interactive workshop will focus on best practices to make the most of the forums where you want to shine—client presentations, business development opportunities, staff meetings, public hearings and more.