MWI Video Simulcast

The Manatt Women's Initiative will host the presentation, "Wonder Women," on Thursday, February 11, 2016. The event will be held concurrently in Manatt offices, connected by video conference.

Debora L. Spar, President of Barnard College, explores how American women's lives have—and have not—changed over the past 50 years. In her most recent book, Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection, Ms. Spar details how women struggled for power and instead got stuck in an endless quest for perfection. Ms. Spar examines how far women have really come and, more importantly, asks what it will take to get true equality.

Raised after the tumult of the 1960s, Ms. Spar presumed the gender war was over. As one of the youngest female professors to be tenured at Harvard Business School, and a mother of three, Ms. Spar swore to young women that they could have it all. "We thought we could just glide into the new era of equality, with babies, board seats, and husbands in tow," she writes. "We were wrong."

We hope you will join us and contribute to the conversation.

By invitation only.

For questions about the event, please contact Carmela Lopez at