2016 Manatt Energy Forum

The Manatt Energy Forum will be held at the beautiful Carneros Inn in Napa, California, on Thursday, March 31 and Friday, April 1, 2016. The Energy Forum kicks off with a renewable energy-focused site tour and wine tasting at Cardinale Estate and Winery on Thursday afternoon. A welcome reception and dinner will be held for all attendees on Thursday evening at The Carneros Inn. On Friday, the Energy Forum will host roundtable discussions with informal interactions between attendees, both of which have marked the success of this event for the past decade.

Manatt professionals will facilitate a robust dialogue with policymakers and industry thought leaders on how evolving policies affect the increasing confluence of energy commodities, markets and technology. Open and candid discussion, rather than prepared remarks and slide shows, will be the order of the day.

The forum will include the following Keynote Speaker and Featured Participants.

Keynote Speaker
Congressman Eric Swalwell, California's Fifteenth Congressional District

Featured Participants

  • Susan Ackerman, Chair, Oregon Public Utility Commission and National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Committee on Electricity
  • Janelle Beland, Undersecretary, California Natural Resources Agency
  • Jack Broadbent, Executive Officer, Bay Area Air Quality Management District
  • John Gioia, Member, California Air Resources Board
  • Robert Oglesby, Executive Director, California Energy Commission
  • Fred Pickel, Executive Director, Ratepayer Advocate, City of Los Angeles
  • Michael Picker, President of the California Public Utilities Commission
  • Cory Ann Wind, Clean Fuels Program Lead, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

By Invitation Only.

For more information, contact Carmela Lopez at clopez@manatt.com.