International Data Transfer and No Safe Harbor Webinar
As part of Manatt’s privacy and data security Web Learning Series, our year-end finale will be a presentation on the best practices and tips for U.S. companies to manage their data transfer in the absence of the Safe Harbor agreement. Any company that processes or transfers employee, client, customer or any other personally identifiable information to servers or to third-party vendors outside the United States must be aware of the new landscape. Donna L. Wilson, chair of Manatt’s Privacy and Data Security Practice, will summarize the background and current compliance and regulatory environment, including:
- Which factors contributed to the recent invalidation of the Safe Harbor agreement by the EU’s highest court
- What the EU and the U.S. regulatory authorities are doing to ensure a compliant and business-friendly environment for transnational companies
- Binding corporate rules
- Umbrella agreements
- Federal Trade Commission and other regulatory enforcement
- Best practices and tips
For more information or to register for the webinar, click here.