Manatt attorneys invited to speak at 35th annual BAA Marketing Law Conference

Marc Roth and Lauren Aronson are featured speakers at the 35th annual Marketing Law Conference, hosted by the Brand Activation Association (formerly the Promotion Marketing Association), a leading resource for the promotion and marketing industry for over 100 years. 

Marc has been invited to participate in a panel discussion titled "Mobile Marketing Influx: Emerging Methods & Emerging Technologies" that will offer strategies for executing novel mobile promotions while avoiding potential legal and regulatory pitfalls.  His copresenters include Ira Schlussel (SVP and General Counsel of ePrize) and Genie Barton (VP & Director, Online Behavioral Advertising Program & Mobile Marketing Initiatives, Council of Better Business Bureaus).

In addition, Lauren has been asked to lead an interactive roundtable discussion focused on "New Developments in Environmental Marketing" to help provide guidance as to what companies need to be thinking about when making "green" claims about their products.

The conference will be held November 18-20, 2013 at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile.