Manatt invited to speak at leading direct response marketing conference, Response Expo 2011

The Direct Response Marketing Alliance (DRMA) and Response Magazine first launched Response Expo in 2009, and Manatt's thought leadership on cutting edge direct response marketing topics has been sought every year since the event's inception.

This year is no different. On May 5, 2011, Linda Goldstein, Chair of Manatt's Advertising, Marketing & Media Division, will address key decision makers and industry leaders from the corporate marketing and direct response arenas in a panel presentation titled, "DRMA Voice Live! Social Media Marketing." Ms. Goldstein's panel is comprised of the foremost legal and regulatory authorities on social media marketing who will focus on the latest developments in this space and the related challenges facing direct response marketers.

Response Expo 2011 will be held on May 3-5, 2011 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront in San Diego, CA.

For more information, click here.