Manatt Webinar: Accountable Care Organizations - What Leading Health Systems Need to Know Now

Newly enacted health reform legislation authorizes a range of new programs designed to explore innovative ways of managing medical expenses while improving quality of care. One of these programs is the Accountable Care Organization (ACO). In light of healthcare reform, for organizations who are carefully assessing their delivery model and evaluating structures that will help continue to improve quality of care while maintaining costs, Manatt will take a comprehensive look at the growing importance of ACOs. Manatt will begin this analysis with an upcoming webinar focused on:

  • Why ACOs are a key driver in altering the structure in which healthcare is delivered
  • Why ACOs are a central component of reform legislation and how they relate to stimulus package provisions such as health information exchange and meaningful use
  • How the integration of effective communication through provider-based EHR systems is a major factor in ACO development
  • How healthcare providers can work collaboratively to mitigate against some of the Medicare payment cut
  • How healthcare providers may work with health plans in a win/win manner given the new requirements for MLR minimums and the requirement that qualified health plans must implement a quality strategy

Manatt professionals will provide insight on these and other issues in an initial webinar session on ACOs, with plans to continue this discussion as HHS guidance emerges.

Thursday, June 24, 2010
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PT