Working Mother and Flex-Time Lawyers Recognize Manatt Among Top Law Firms for Women

Manatt has been recognized by Working Mother and Flex-Time Lawyers as one of the top law firms for women in the country, marking the firm's eighth appearance on the prestigious "50 Best Law Firms for Women" list - one for each year the designation has been made. The list honors the law firms that have family-friendly policies and career and business development initiatives that help retain and advance women attorneys.

In its profile of Manatt, Working Mother highlights the firm's innovative Women's Initiative, which invites female business executives and experts to speak to members about succeeding professionally. The Manatt Women's Initiative offers intriguing panel discussions focused on career advancement, and provides valuable networking opportunities.

William T. Quicksilver, Manatt's chief executive officer and managing partner, said, "At Manatt, we prioritize our commitment to diversity and inclusion, ensuring that all of our people - regardless of gender or background - feel valued, involved and invested in the future of the firm. The Women's Initiative turns that commitment into action by providing tools that empower our female attorneys, consultants and advisors. We are honored that our efforts have once again been recognized by Working Mother and Flex-Time Lawyers."

In 2007, Working Mother and Flex-Time Lawyers cofounded the 50 Best Law Firms for Women initiative to celebrate the law firms that are most successful in retaining and promoting women lawyers. The selected firms lead the industry in supporting flexible work arrangements and offering generous paid parental leave. The Best Law Firms also focus on women's business development and parity in compensation, as well as increasing women's representation among the equity partnership and leadership ranks.