Manatt Receives Women in Law Empowerment Forum's 2014 Gold Certification

The Women in Law Empowerment Forum (WILEF) has recognized Manatt's commitment to the advancement of women lawyers by awarding the firm its 2014 Gold Standard Certification. This marks Manatt's fourth consecutive year as a certified firm—each year the certification has been made. Manatt is one of only 45 firms to receive 2014 certification.

WILEF certification emphasizes the leadership roles achieved by equity women partners, rather than the policies or practices of the firm or the overall number or percentage of women in the partnership. Since 2011, certification has been granted to law firms where women represent a meaningful percentage of their equity partners, of the highest leadership positions and committees, and of the most highly compensated partners. Law firms with a minimum of 200 lawyers in the United States were invited to participate.

Now in its eighth year, WILEF presents women with educational programs and networking forums to assist them in obtaining leadership roles within NLJ 250 law firms and Fortune 1000 legal departments.