Manatt Appellate Co-Chair Michael Berger to be Honored with 2014 Brigham-Kanner Prize from William & Mary Law School
Manatt's Michael Berger, co-chair of the firm's Appellate practice, will receive the prestigious 2014 Brigham-Kanner Prize from William & Mary Law School to honor his property rights work. The prize will be presented at William & Mary Property Right Project's 11th annual Brigham-Kanner Conference, to be held October 30-31 at the law school.
The William & Mary Property Rights Project promotes the exchange of ideas between scholars and members of the property rights bar, and it recognizes outstanding contributions by presenting the Brigham-Kanner Prize each year to an individual whose work affirms that property rights are fundamental to protecting and preserving individual liberty.
Joseph T. Waldo, co-chair of the conference coordinating committee, said that Berger has had a tremendous impact on the field of property rights law during his distinguished career.
"Michael Berger's career demonstrates a successful practice in which he has shaped the law at the highest levels of both state and federal court," said Waldo. "His practice, scholarship, publications and teaching make his recognition as the 2014 Brigham-Kanner Prize recipient well deserved."
Arent Fox partner Mark F. Hearne II in Washington, D.C., said, "Michael Berger is one of the great modern champions of this foundational constitutional principle. And all those who cherish the Fifth Amendment owe Michael a great debt for his years of principled advocacy defending this essential concept."
Hearne also noted that Berger's defense of property owners contributed major decisions to Fifth Amendment jurisprudence in cases such as Tahoe-Sierra (where Berger's opposing counsel was John Roberts, who later became Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court), Del Monte Dunes, Presault, and First English.
Berger is the first practicing lawyer to receive the prize. Recent past winners include Columbia Law School Professor Thomas W. Merrill (2013), University of Michigan Law School Professor James E. Krier (2012), and Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (2011).