Manatt Recognized for Empowering Women Lawyers
Manatt is one of only 32 law firms to receive the Women in Law Empowerment Forum’s (WILEF’s) Gold Standard Certification. The designation recognizes Manatt’s integration of women lawyers into the highest leadership positions at the firm. More than 300 law firms with at least 100 practicing attorneys were invited to participate, and the qualifying firms were announced by the Forum on June 14, 2011.
“At Manatt, we share an unwavering commitment to excellence and core progressive values,” said William T. Quicksilver, the firm’s chief executive officer and managing partner. “We have a long history of women leaders who have helped to build a firm that encourages attorneys to engage fully both professionally and personally. That engagement drives innovative approaches, policies, and benefits that make the firm not only successful, but a great place to work.”
The certification process went beyond looking at the percentage of women employed at law firms. It focused on whether women lawyers are significantly represented in positions of power and among the top-earning attorneys.
WILEF presents women with educational programs and networking forums to assist them in obtaining leadership roles within the AmLaw 100, Second Hundred and Fortune 1000 legal departments.