Manatt Named a 2011 Best Law Firm for Women

Manatt has been named among the 50 Best Law Firms for Women for 2011. The list, determined by the National Association for Female Executives and Flex-Time Lawyers, recognizes firms who are “encouraging the retention and promotion of women, in addition to creating conducive work environments for all lawyers to thrive.” This marks Manatt’s fourth appearance on the prestigious list – each year the designation has been bestowed.

Working Mother magazine, who announced the list in their Sept. 14, 2011 issue, writes that Manatt and the other honored firms are “showing the rest of the profession how it’s done. More female equity partners, more female rainmakers, more flex, more work life balance. And it’s all good for the bottom line. These 50 firms are raising the bar.”

William T. Quicksilver, Manatt’s Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner, said that the firm’s progressive culture and commitment to excellence “create an environment where lawyers can pursue successful careers while maintaining fulfilling personal lives. The firm’s innovative approaches, policies and benefits support the women, men and families who make the firm not only successful, but also a wonderful place to work.”

Of Manatt, Working Mother magazine says under the heading “What We Love” that “a flexible, progressive approach informs this firm’s forward-thinking programs. Women lawyers report a highly hospitable environment where they are able to set their own schedules, subject only to client needs and demands, and report that they don’t feel judged when they make choices to spend time with family. The firm supports varying work schedules that allow attorneys to work outside traditional models—reduced-hours schedules, annualized hours, flextime, telecommuting—while staying on track for partner. The firm’s Women’s Initiative links female lawyers across the eight nationwide offices into a single supportive community, and the intranet connects women across time zones.”

The Best Law Firms for Women survey was developed in a partnership between Working Mother Media and Flex-Time Lawyers LLC. Firms with at least 50 lawyers were eligible to take part, answering detailed questions about the issues that are most important to the retention and promotion of female lawyers. The 50 winning firms were selected based on factors including workforce profile, family-friendly benefits and policies, flexibility, leadership, compensation, advancement and retention of women.