Manatt Practices Achieve Top-Tier National Rankings from U.S.- News Best Lawyers
U.S. News Media Group and Best Lawyers have released the 2010 Best Law Firms rankings, marking the inaugural publication of what is to be an annual analysis, with Manatt scoring four Tier 1 national rankings and 31 metropolitan designations.
The rankings, including 30,322 rankings of 8,782 law firms in 81 practice areas, are posted online at; the national first-tier rankings will be featured in the October print issue of U.S. News & World Report, which will go on sale September 27.
The rankings are presented in tiers both nationally and by metropolitan area. To compile the rankings, major clients and leading lawyers were asked to rate the law firms they consider best in their practice area. In the end, 9,514 clients—including every Fortune 100 company and 587 of the Fortune 1000 companies—provided 194,370 firm practice-area evaluations; 6,190 clients provided 11,181 comments about law firm practice areas and individual lawyers; and 8,842 lawyers provided 594,012 firm practice-area evaluations.
The reputational survey responses were combined with more than 3.1 million evaluations of individual lawyers in the most recent Best Lawyers survey of leading lawyers.
Manatt’s 2010 U.S. News/Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings include:
National Rankings
Tier 1
Advertising Law
Banking and Finance Law
Corporate Law
Entertainment Law
Metropolitan Rankings
Tier 1
Los Angeles
Banking and Finance Law
Corporate Law
Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law
Entertainment Law
Government Relations Practice
Health Care Law
New York
Advertising Law
Health Care Law
Orange County
Banking and Finance Law
Health Care Law
Intellectual Property Law
San Francisco
Health Care Law
Non-Profit/Charities Law
Advertising Law
Entertainment Law
Tier 2
Los Angeles
General Commercial Litigation
Non-Profit/Charities Law
Private Funds / Hedge Funds Law
New York
Entertainment Law
Orange County
General Commercial Litigation
Real Estate Law
Corporate Law
Intellectual Property Law
Tier 3
Los Angeles
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Insurance Law
Real Estate Law
Securities / Capital Markets Law
New York
Corporate Law
Insurance Law
Government Relations Practice
Tier 4
New York
General Commercial Litigation