Patent Buyouts Could Spur Vital Innovation in Antibiotics, Vaccines, and Other Medical Fields
Following the release of their book, “Why Not Better and Cheaper? Healthcare and Innovation,” Manatt Health National Advisor Robert Rebitzer and his twin brother, Boston University economist James Rebitzer, co-authored an article for STAT where they discussed the current patent system’s role in health care innovation and how patent buyouts may help better align the incentives for innovation with the needs of patients and society.
According to the Rebitzers, “The heart of the problem is that patents, as they are structured today, are imperfect tools to stimulate innovation in health care.” They suggested that patent buyouts could be an alternative approach that addresses some of the incentive problems in the current system. The authors acknowledge that patent buy-outs present practical challenges, however they argued that “now is the time to think about the changes needed to keep the engines of innovation in health care running far into the future.”
Read the full STAT article here.
For more information about “Why Not Better and Cheaper? Healthcare and Innovation” and the authors, click here.