New Regs Will Strengthen Voluntary Carbon Offset Market

Manatt Energy and Environment Partner David Smith wrote an article for Law360 about attention on net-zero pledges—including California’s adoption of GHG disclosure mandates, numerous federal agencies establishing fraud enforcement efforts and media attention—may portend a growing, robust and hopefully reliable voluntary carbon offset market. 

Though the global market for carbon offsets predicted to spike to over $10 billion in 2030, private sector confidence has dropped. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has started cracking down on fraudulent practices, the FTC is updating its Use of Environmental Marketing Claims advertising directives and Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law two unprecedented legal mandates relating to climate disclosures. Smith explains how the efforts by the CFTC, FTC and others create optimism for the future of a verifiable and enforceable voluntary carbon emissions offset credit market. 

Read the full article here.