CMS Publishes 2024 Proposed Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Rule

Manatt Health Partner Randi Seigel, Managing Director Jared Augenstein and Associate Angela Haddon co-authored an article for Compliance Today on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) July proposed rule for the 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.  

In the article, the authors explained the programmatic and reimbursement changes included in the rule, specifically how it considers whether to make permanent certain temporary flexibilities that were enacted during the COVID-19 public health emergency. They also discussed CMS’ streamlined approach to facilitate the progression of telehealth policies as well as the rule’s clarifications surrounding various payment policies. “Providers and suppliers should be aware of all requirements for coverage and anticipate how they will respond if and when CMS publishes the final rule,” they noted. 

Read the full Compliance Today article here.