Late Court Appearance of Zeppelin Members Is Irrelevant

The Daily Journal interviewed Robert Jacobs, co-chair of the firm's Entertainment and Media Litigation practice, for an article about a copyright infringement lawsuit over Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven."

The Daily Journal reports that the plaintiff's attorney in the copyright suit has suggested that defendants Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, band frontman and guitarist of Led Zeppelin, are avoiding appearances on the witness stand.

"In my experience, [named defendants] like Page and Plant would show when it doesn't pose an undue burden. They have lives," Jacobs said. "So while they're going to respect the process and respect the judge's orders, by the same token, they can't drop everything they're doing. That's not how things work."

Asked whether a late appearance from Plant and Page could impact the case, Jacobs said it was likely irrelevant.

"The jury is going to evaluate based on the evidence. They're obviously going to be waiting to hear from these guys in particular, because they're the core of Led Zeppelin. But whenever they hear them, first, fourth, fifth - it doesn't matter."