Still Your Father's Oldsmobile? Stale Bank Holding Company 10-K Sup & Reg Section

It has been apparent for years that the common boilerplate Supervision and Regulation discussion in most bank holding company Form 10-K Annual Reports could be trimmed down and updated. Instead of rehashing longstanding banking laws and regulations, financial institutions should shed unnecessary text and instead emphasize those recent developments which are directly relevant to the company. This year's 10-K season was no different. Old habits die hard and the culprit may more likely be disinterest in changing content or format for what has seemed ''tried and true.''

Read the article here.

Reproduced with permission from Accounting Policy and Practice Report, 11 appr 13, 06/19/2015. Copyright [1] 2015 by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033)