Thought Leadership

Smith to Speak at CCEEB 2024 Summer Issues Seminar

Manatt Energy and Environment Partner David C. Smith will participate in a panel discussion with regulators, utilities and environmental advocates on statewide issues.

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There’s Nothing Weak About the SEC’s “Weakened” Climate Disclosure Mandate

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released its long-awaited climate disclosure mandate for publicly traded companies (Final Rule).

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Climate Disclosures: California Mandates Advance in Legislature with Modest Reprieve

Two proposed California laws that would mandate disclosure of climate-warming emissions and organizational “risk” related to climate change moved closer to Governor Newsom’s desk.

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2023–24 California State Budget Finalized—At Least for Now

After around-the-clock weekend negotiations between Democratic legislative leaders and Governor Gavin Newsom, working against a looming June 30 constitutional deadline, leaders announced a budget agreement late Monday night.

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National Advertising Review Board Recommends That JBS Discontinue Net Zero Claims

The National Advertising Review Board (NARB), the appellate advertising body of BBB National Programs, has recommended that JBS USA Holdings, Inc., discontinue claims regarding its goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2040.

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California Senate Approves Greenhouse Gas Disclosure; SEC Remains Conspicuously Silent

The California Senate passed two bills that would require climate-related disclosures from specified companies doing business in California.

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Carbon Capture and Sequestration—“Essential,” but Too Little, Too Late?

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR), including carbon capture and sequestration, was once derided as little more than a corporate ploy to prolong reliance on fossil fuels.

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Carbon Capture and Sequestration – “Essential,” But Too Little, Too Late?

Manatt Land Use Partner David Smith wrote an article for Energy Law Journal about the efforts to adopt carbon dioxide removal strategies and the necessity of enacting them to combat climate change and accomplish Paris Agreement objectives.@Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) consists of methods such as carbon capture and sequestration, direct air capture, and @net-zero@ emissions aimed at reducing the...

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Greenhouse Gas Disclosure Mandates Advance in California Legislature; SEC Remains Silent

Two bills that would require climate-related disclosures from specified companies doing business in California advanced in the Legislature this week.

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Berkeley’s Natural Gas Ban in New Housing and Businesses Not Allowed, Says Ninth Circuit

Local or state regulations seeking to decarbonize new buildings by banning natural gas appliances or infrastructure are preempted under federal law according to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

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