Allison S. Garcimonde
Allison Garcimonde is a director with Manatt Health, an interdisciplinary policy and business advisory division of Manatt. Allison provides policy analysis, strategic and regulatory advice, and project oversight to a wide range of clients on issues related to health care coverage, access and financing, as well as health information technology. Her most recent work has focused on advising states, foundations, safety net providers and other health care stakeholders on the implications and implementation of federal health reform.
Currently, Allison provides project management and subject matter knowledge to a state learning collaborative initiative, working with small groups of states on priority issues and topics related to Exchange implementation, technology development and coverage expansion initiatives. Allison has also supported state health reform implementation engagements in several states. For instance, she played an integral role in supporting a state Department of Insurance's market reform technical advisory group, an effort focused on developing options and considerations and identifying areas of consensus to inform the development of DOI recommendations to the state's General Assembly on ACA-related insurance market reforms. She has also assisted a number of states in designing operational approaches for individual eligibility appeal processes.
Allison has helped to facilitate statewide, multistakeholder health information exchange (HIE) planning efforts, providing project management and research support and assisting with governance, technology, privacy and security, and consumer engagement strategies and implementation. As a component of this work, she assisted states in developing strategic and operational plans to support statewide HIE and the implementation of the Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program.
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Manatt Health