You Are Not “A Loan”: How CRE Borrowers Should Approach Lenders With COVID-19-Related Issues

In today’s unsettled environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many commercial loan borrowers are currently trying to determine how to best navigate the challenges of an economic downturn. Join us for a 30-minute webinar featuring a panel of four members of Manatt’s distressed assets practice to learn your options for approaching lenders for relief and how to prepare strategically for that conversation.

Topics include:

  • Lessons learned from prior economic downturns
  • COVID-19 implications on commercial loan borrowers
  • What borrowers should do to prepare for a conversation with their lender, and how borrowers should structure their communications in order to be successful
  • Strategic planning tips for borrowers seeking loan relief, including CARES Act provisions
  • What borrowers can expect from their lenders

Click here to view and download.

Steven Edwards, Partner, Manatt Real Estate
Clayton B. Gantz, Partner, Manatt Real Estate
Tom Muller, Senior Counsel, Manatt Real Estate
Grace D. Winters, Partner, Manatt Real Estate

CLE credit is pending.