Risky Business: Federal Procurement Fraud in a COVID-19 World

Federal contractors weren’t excluded from the huge federal funding initiatives rolled out to defeat COVID-19 and its impact. Whether under the CARES Act, the Paycheck Protection Program, the Department of Defense rules, or the expanded use of existing federal acquisition regulations, these measures play an important role in helping businesses that contract with the federal government avoid layoffs and remain in a “ready state” throughout the pandemic. But with increased funding comes an expected uptick in fraud, and contractors can expect closer scrutiny from new and existing oversight bodies focusing on fraud, waste and abuse.

In this new 45-minute webinar, members of Manatt’s investigations and compliance practices will examine the risks government contractors should consider in this new environment. The program will cover:

  • COVID-19 measures that support federal contractors
  • Types of federal procurement fraud
  • How the government might handle investigating and prosecuting procurement fraud
  • Key U.S. statutes, penalties and other consequences
  • Practical considerations before and during an investigation


Sirena Castillo, Partner, Investigations and White Collar Defense
Robert T. Garretson, Managing Director, Investigations, Compliance and Strategic Response
Richard S. Hartunian, Partner, Investigations and White Collar Defense
Andrew Zimmitti, Partner, Investigations and White Collar Defense

Date and Time

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


This program has been approved for 0.75 California MCLE general credit and 0.5 New York CLE professional practice credit (transitional and non-transitional).

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