How Can States Integrate Supplemental Payments Into Managed Care?

Learn the answer in a new Manatt webinar, “Supplemental Payments in Medicaid Managed Care.”

States have long relied on supplemental payments to provide additional funding to hospitals and other providers. Though reliance on these payments varies, in some states they account for a fifth of total Medicaid expenditures. Recently, however, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) curtailed states’ ability to make supplemental payments to providers in managed care. As a result, many states and providers are seeking strategies to preserve essential provider funding streams in managed care systems.

In a new Manatt webinar—the fourth in our Medicaid managed care series—we explore the options states have for addressing the challenges of supplemental payments in managed care. Key topics include:

  • An overview of states’ use of supplemental payments
  • A discussion of significant regulatory and policy clarifications and changes that affect states’ abilities to make supplemental payments in managed care
  • An analysis of the options states have to preserve supplemental payment dollars in a managed care environment
  • A look at how select states have addressed supplemental payments in managed care
  • A discussion of how states and providers can evaluate their options and select the best course of action

Anne Karl, Partner, Manatt Health
Avi Herring, Manager, Manatt Health

Date and Time
The webinar was held on July 19, 2018

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