Compliance Best Practices for Healthcare Providers Utilizing CARES Act Funding

COVID-19 has caused upheaval in every industry, but healthcare organizations are navigating particularly chaotic waters.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, signed into law on March 27, created a $100 billion Provider Relief Fund. The Department of Health and Human Services is administering the fund and recently released more information about how the fund will be distributed. (See Manatt’s analysis here).

As healthcare providers utilize this federal funding, they must consider the eligibility and accounting requirements and build in best practices to mitigate future risks of government investigation and qui tam litigation.

In a new webinar brought to you by Manatt’s health and investigation and white collar defense teams, our presenters will discuss the unique certification and compliance issues healthcare organizations must consider when utilizing COVID-19-related federal funding. The presenters will talk through best practices to protect providers, including the issues around accounting for funds and other compliance practices.

John Libby, Partner, Investigations and White Collar Defense
Allison Orris, Counsel, Manatt Health

For regular updates on the major challenges companies are facing, please visit our COVID-19 resources page, and subscribe for timely updates in your inbox here.

Date and Time

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


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