A National Privacy and Data Security Game Changer

The California state legislature wrapped up the 2017–2018 legislative session with a consensus privacy measure that sought to clean up the newly enacted California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)—the nation’s strictest consumer privacy and data protection legislation. The cleanup legislation was necessary to resolve drafting errors and further clarify certain provisions of the CCPA, which was passed last-minute in late June as a compromise among privacy proponents, the legislature and the business community.

The CCPA is a far-reaching measure impacting business entities across industries, many of which are grappling with interpreting its requirements to ensure that their privacy and data security policies and procedures are in compliance. The cleanup bill permits a brief extension of the January 1, 2020, implementation date for certain core requirements under limited circumstances and makes other nuanced changes to the CCPA. Even with these changes, the act remains the most complex privacy and data security measure in the nation, and companies need to understand the specific requirements of the law and how to prepare for them.

Following Manatt’s consistent coverage of this important legislation, members of the privacy and data security and California state government teams, in partnership with Bloomberg Next, will present a new webinar:

  • Covering the political landscape in which the CCPA and the cleanup legislation passed
  • Detailing the CCPA’s compliance requirements and who will be required to comply
  • Exploring related litigation risks
  • Outlining the recent amendments to the CCPA and what might be coming next

Thomas R. McMorrow, Chair, California State Government and Regulatory Policy
Brandon P. Reilly, Associate, Privacy and Data Security
John V. Trevino, Jr., Counsel, Privacy and Data Security

Date and Time
Wednesday, October 17, 2018