New Webinar: Understanding the Interplay Between Medicaid and 340B


Join us December 11 from 3:00–4:00 p.m. ET for a new Manatt webinar that will focus on the complexities of the 340B program—and review key findings from our 50-state survey on the interplay between 340B and Medicaid. Click here to register free—and earn CLE.

The 340B drug discount program—which requires drug manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs to eligible healthcare entities at sharply reduced prices—continues to expand, with the number of participating covered entities almost doubling in the past five years to 38,000, according to the Government Accountability Office. As the 340B program has grown, so has the controversy around it. Supporters believe that it is vital to helping hospitals and other covered entities care for their uninsured and underinsured patients, while critics assert that it is being abused.

Both sides can agree, however, that the program can be very confusing to navigate. The interplay between 340B and Medicaid can be particularly challenging, especially in states providing drug coverage through Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs). The use of contract pharmacies adds to the complexities of identifying 340B drugs.

In a new webinar, Manatt will focus on the complexities of the 340B program. We also will review key findings from our comprehensive 50-state survey on the interplay between the 340B and Medicaid programs. Click here to register free—and earn CLE. The webinar will answer key questions, including:

  • What is the 340B program, and how does it work?
  • What is the interplay between 340B and Medicaid—and what are the resulting challenges?
  • How do contract pharmacy arrangements add to the complications?
  • How much are states reimbursing 340B covered entities and contract pharmacies for 340B drugs?
  • What methodologies are states employing to avoid duplicate discounts?

Even if you can’t make our original airing on December 11, click here to register free now and you’ll receive a link to view the program on demand.


Helen Pfister, Partner, Manatt Health