Anonymous Instagram Account Exposes Alleged Predators
Manatt’s Jesse Brody, a partner in the firm’s advertising, marketing and media practice, was interviewed by Ad Age for an article on an anonymous Instagram account that is aimed at exposing advertising executives who have engaged in sexual harassment.
The account, called “Diet Madison Avenue,” posts captioned photos with sometimes crude or aggressive language to expose prominent advertising industry figures who have been accused of sexual harassment. The makers of the account, remaining anonymous, told Ad Age that they research everything they publish, collaborating with lawyers, Ph.D. students and professors. However, there are lingering questions about the legality of the Instagram account.
Brody explained that it’s not easy to sue for defamation, libel or slander, especially if the plaintiff is a limited-issue public figure such as a known name in advertising. However, Brody said that a defamation suit could still be filed against the account if the facts turn out to be false.