Thought Leadership

The Arrival of Peak TV

We are living in a time that has been coined “peak TV,” thanks in large part to the sheer amount of content that is available to viewers.

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Three Essential Components of a Great Acquisition Strategy

Technology acquisition decisions are fraught with complexity. Companies have a wide range of options other than acquisition, and sometimes it’s difficult to assess which path is the best way forward.

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BlueVine Capital Secures $75M Credit Line

The Daily Journal covered Manatt@s representation of Blue Vine Capital Inc. in negotiating a $75 million warehouse credit line. Sophia Yen, a partner in the firm@s entertainment and media practice, led the team that handled the negotiations for BlueVine.BlueVine, launched about four years ago, offers business owners access to capital through its online financing platform. The company offers a...

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SEC Eases Rules on Intrastate Crowdfunding

On October 26 the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) unanimously adopted new and amended rules aimed at making it easier for companies to raise money from investors through intrastate and small offerings.

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