• Speed-motion-at-night


    Review of the Organization of Entry Points for Publicly Funded Health and Social Services in Marylan

    Maryland residents can apply for health coverage and social services programs through a broad number of “entry points,” including online websites operated by the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (MHBE) and Department of Human Resources (DHR); by contacting a call center; or by ...

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    Capping Federal Medicaid Funding: Key Financing Issues for States

    President-elect Donald Trump and Republican congressional leadership have called for a repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and a fundamental overhaul of the Medicaid program that would include imposing caps on federal funding to states. If adopted, capped funding would replace the central ...

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    Comparison of Key Repeal and Replace Proposals

    As the incoming Congress and administration develop plans to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act (ACA), analysis of five earlier repeal and replace proposals provides insights into the key features likely to appear in any forthcoming repeal and replace legislation. Manatt ...

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    Repeal of the ACA Medicaid Expansion: Critical Questions for States

    Much of the post-election debate over the potential repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has focused on the fate of the Marketplaces, the mandate, and popular insurance reforms such as the ban on preexisting conditions. Increasingly, however, it is clear that repeal could include elimination of ...

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    Integrating Medicaid Supplemental Payments into Value-Based Purchasing

    In recent years, Medicaid supplemental payments (DSH and UPL payments) have grown in importance as a way for states to compensate providers and support safety-net hospitals. However, because these payments are typically not tied to services or quality, they detract from state efforts to move to ...

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    2016 Election Insights: What’s at Stake?

    The Election’s Impact on Pharma: Preparing for Potential Scenarios In a new podcast, Manatt Health addresses the key questions critical to effective strategic planning—and explores how the healthcare agenda will change at the federal and ...

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    Defining the Provider Data Dilemma

    Healthcare provider data forms the foundation of many important processes in the nation’s healthcare system. This information is necessary to conduct a number of essential functions, such as referring a patient to a specialist, paying insurance claims, determining provider sanctions and ...

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    Section 1332 Waivers: Will We See More State Innovation?

    Stakeholders across the country are focused on effectively implementing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and making incremental—not radical—changes to it. But how can change happen given the deep national divisions around what corrections are needed? One answer lies in Section 1332 of the ...

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    Medicaid Coverage of Social Interventions: A Road Map for States

    Faced with mounting evidence about the impact of social factors—such as income, access to food and housing, and employment status—on health outcomes, Medicaid agencies are looking for ways to integrate social interventions into their coverage, payment, and delivery models. In support ...

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    Medicaid: States’ Powerful Tool to Combat the Opioid Crisis

    The United States is in the throes of a rapidly worsening opioid epidemic. The crisis is far-reaching. As of 2014, 1.9 million Americans had an opioid use disorder involving prescription medication, and an additional 19.6 million Americans had a substance use disorder (SUD) outside of addiction to ...



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