• 02.27.20

    Court Allows ‘Reasonable Reliance’ on Prior Subscriber Consent

    Callers have the right to reasonably rely on the consent of a prior subscriber to a telephone number, a federal district court in Massachusetts has ruled, granting summary judgment in favor of the defendant.

  • 02.27.20

    Supreme Court To Decide Constitutionality of Government-Backed Debt Exception

    The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to weigh in on the constitutionality of the exception to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) for government-backed debt, namely whether that exception violates the First Amendment and whether a property remedy for a constitutional violation is to remove ...

  • 02.27.20

    California Court Denies Motion To Compel Arbitration

    Denying a motion to compel arbitration in a Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) class action, a California federal court rejected the defendants’ argument that the plaintiff agreed to arbitrate when he shared his information on a lead-generation website.

  • 02.27.20

    DOJ Sues Telecommunications Operators Over Robocalls

    Jumping on the enforcement bandwagon, the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed its first actions against telecommunications operators for facilitating illegal robocalls.

  • 02.27.20

    Court Tips Hat on Damages, Due Process Concerns

    As part of its consideration of the parties’ request for preliminary approval of their settlement agreement of a Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) class action, a California federal court signaled that an award of full statutory damages would not survive due process considerations.

  • 02.27.20

    Texas Court Moves TCPA Claims Against Individuals Forward

    Individual defendants continue to face personal liability pursuant to the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), with a Texas federal court allowing claims against two individuals to move forward despite their motions to dismiss.

  • 02.27.20

    Manatt’s Continuing Coverage on Significant Post-ACA International Developments

    The circuit split fueling uncertainty over the proper definition of an automatic telephone dialing system (ATDS) deepened this week as the U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, weighed in on the issue.

  • 02.27.20

    CFPB: Debt Collectors, Consumers Receive Clarity on Time-Barred Debt

    Proposing a specific limit on debt collectors but also providing a safe harbor for compliance, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued proposed regulations that would allow debt collectors to contact consumers about time-barred debt as long as the collectors disclose, in the ...

  • 02.27.20

    Maryland Bill Would Ban Merchant Cash Advances

    On February 3, 2020, Maryland State Senator Benjamin Kramer introduced a bill that would completely prohibit merchant cash advances (MCAs) in Maryland.  

  • 02.27.20

    Employers Must Allow Employees to Vote

    With presidential primaries under way and New York’s own primary vote scheduled for April 28, employers should be cognizant of last year’s amendments to New York’s Election Law, which increased the paid time off that employees may take in order to vote in elections.



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