• 09.24.19

    Navigating the Healthcare Highway With Lyft’s Head of Healthcare

    Editor’s Note: In the latest edition of her Tech Tonics podcast series, Manatt Health’s Lisa Suennen speaks with Megan Callahan, Head of Healthcare for Lyft.

  • 09.24.19

    Landmark Legislation AB5 Codifies Dynamex ABC Test and More

    In a signing statement on September 18, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom declared Assembly Bill 5 “landmark legislation for workers and our economy.”

  • 09.24.19

    California Delays Sexual Harassment Training Requirements

    California employers set to comply with the new sexual harassment training requirements arising out of last year’s Senate Bill 1343 got a recent reprieve with new legislation that provides a partial one-year extension. 

  • 09.24.19

    California Supreme Court: Unpaid Wages Are Not Recoverable Under PAGA

    In a welcome surprise for employers, on September 12, 2019, the California Supreme Court resolved the significant issue of whether unpaid wages constitute a civil penalty recoverable in Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) claims premised on violations of Labor Code Section 558.

  • 09.24.19

    Three Big Moves From the NLRB

    The top three stories in National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) news in recent weeks include (1) a decision holding that the misclassification of workers does not constitute an independent violation of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), (2) a ruling on mandatory arbitration agreements in the ...

  • 09.24.19

    Ninth Circuit Adopts But-For Causation Standard in ADA Discrimination Claims

    Rejecting the motivating factor causation standard, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit declared that the “but-for” standard of causation applies to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) discrimination claims.

  • 09.24.19

    Court Sides With Nurse in Discrimination Suit

    Claims of racial bias brought by a black nurse who was reassigned by her employer after a white patient complained can move forward, a federal court in Michigan ruled, writing that any intentional use of race—even for benign motives—must be subjected to careful judicial scrutiny.

  • 09.24.19

    Online Accountability Program Update: Enhanced Focus on Enhanced Notice

    Continuing its efforts to have app and website operators provide users with enhanced notice about third-party data collection, the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) Online Accountability Program recently issued a pair of new decisions.

  • 09.24.19

    CEOs Call for National Privacy Law

    A coalition of chief executive officers (CEOs) representing 51 businesses urged congressional leaders to enact a federal privacy law that would preempt state laws and provide a uniform national framework.

  • 09.24.19

    Mercedes Drives Suits Against Artists Forward

    Four street artists can’t avoid a ride with Mercedes-Benz (“Mercedes”) in the auto manufacturer’s actions seeking a declaration that Mercedes’ posting of photographs on social media that depict the artists’ murals painted on public buildings did not violate their ...



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