• 12.05.13

    #Badidea: JPMorgan Chase Stumbles on Twitter

    JPMorgan Chase’s recent activity on Twitter provides an example of the need for financial institutions to use caution when using social media.

  • 11.21.13

    Bank Can Be Liable Under California Law for Overdraft Fee Charge Ordering

    A checking account that includes a debit card feature is a “service” under California’s Consumer Legal Remedies Act, according to a new federal court opinion allowing a consumer’s suit challenging the ordering of overdraft fees to continue.

  • 11.07.13

    FDIC Cautions Financial Institutions About D&O Insurance

    Noting a rise in the use of exclusions in insurance policies for executives at financial institutions, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation urged banks to review existing policies and consider the appropriate level of coverage.

  • 09.11.13

    Money Laundering on the Front Burner

    With the bulk of the banking industry’s credit problems resolved or at least more manageable than in the recent past, the regulators appear to be on a new warpath.

  • 08.26.13

    What Many Foreign Banks and Community Banks Have in Common

    Strange as it may seem, community banks and the U.S. operations of foreign banks are often treated similarly; their interests are usually legislative and regulatory afterthoughts.

  • 08.23.13

    Prosecutors Getting Tougher on Bankers

    The recent indictments of the founder and chairman of Premier Bank of Wilmette, Ill., together with his wife, who was an officer of the bank, and two directors, and last week’s indictment of three insiders of Coastal Community Bank in Panama City, Fla., including the bank’s counsel, ...

  • 07.18.13

    FTC Looks To Ban Payment Methods Susceptible To Fraud

    In May, the Federal Trade Commission issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking concerning possible amendments to the Federal Telemarketing Sales Rule, which would prohibit sellers and telemarketers from accepting remotely created checks or remotely created payment orders.

  • 07.03.13

    Federal Reserve Adopts Basel III for U.S. Banks

    On July 2, 2013, the Federal Reserve Board approved a final rule implementing the Basel III regulatory capital reforms from the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision as well as certain changes required by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

  • 06.20.13

    Staying on Top of Risk: Latest OCC Risk Perspective Highlights Regulatory Concerns for All Banks

    On June 18, 2013, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) released its Semiannual Risk Perspective highlighting current risks for national banks and federal savings associations.

  • 05.30.13

    Lessons from the Automated Electronic Checking Inc. Case

    Recent action by the Federal Trade Commission against a third party processor found to be processing transactions for a merchant engaged in wrong-doing, indicates the necessity of processors employing adequate due diligence and monitoring to avoid being liable for merchant actions.



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