• 06.02.17

    Would-Be Employer Targeted in New TCPA Suit

    Could employers be the next target for Telephone Consumer Protection Act class actions?

  • 04.18.17

    FCC Combats Spoofed Robocalls

    As part of an initiative that would enable voice service providers to better protect subscribers from illegal and fraudulent robocalls, the Federal Communications Commission has released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Notice of Inquiry.

  • 04.03.17

    SPECIAL ALERT: D.C. Circuit Invalidates FCC's Solicited Fax Rule

    In a significant victory for TCPA junk fax defendants, a split panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit invalidated the Federal Communication Commission's Solicited Fax Rule.

  • 03.21.17

    Defendant’s Calling System Ruled Not an Autodialer

    A Telephone Consumer Protection Act defendant successfully persuaded a Michigan federal court judge that its calling system was not an automated dialing system because there was significant human involvement in dialing phone numbers.

  • 02.17.17

    Case Not Moot Even After Rule 67 Funds Deposited

    Is a Telephone Consumer Protection Act class action moot where a defendant actually deposits sufficient funds with the court to satisfy a plaintiff’s claim pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 67?

  • 01.26.17

    SPECIAL FOCUS: FCC Under Pai: Implications for the TCPA

    On January 23, 2017, President Trump appointed Commissioner Ajit Pai to serve as the next chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

  • 01.18.17

    California TCPA Defendant Gets Mixed Rulings

    A California federal court judge issued a pair of rulings resulting in a split decision for Telephone Consumer Protection Act defendant Dick's Sporting Goods.

  • 12.20.16

    Defendant’s Attempt to Moot TCPA Suit Fails (Again)

    A Telephone Consumer Protection Act defendant was unsuccessful in persuading a Massachusetts federal court judge to dismiss a putative class action under the statute despite offering the plaintiff $46,500 and promising to refrain from future violations.

  • 10.18.16

    New Record Deal Reached in TCPA Settlement

    In what could be the largest Telephone Consumer Protection Act settlement yet, a federal judge in the Northern District of Illinois signed off on a deal requiring three cruise marketing companies to pay up to $76 million to two classes of call recipients.

  • 09.20.16

    SPECIAL FOCUS: Responses to Retail Webinar Attendee Questions

    During our hugely successful “Avoiding TCPA Pitfalls: Essential Guidance for Retailers” webinar this summer, we received dozens of questions from attendees, most of which we were not able to address during the closing minutes of the presentation. But, we held on to the questions and ...



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