• 09.27.16

    California Appellate Court Moves Associational Disability Claims Forward

    Recognizing associational disability claims, a California appellate panel ruled that an employee's claim for disability discrimination in violation of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) can move forward.

  • 09.08.16

    Ninth Circuit Sides With NLRB on Class Waivers

    Siding with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals pushed the question of whether it violates the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) to require employees to sign agreements precluding them from bringing concerted legal claims in any forum one step closer to ...

  • 08.26.16

    Arbitrator Or Judge? California Supreme Court Weighs in

    Yet again, the California Supreme Court considered arbitration in the context of an employment agreement, this time reflecting on whether a judge or an arbitrator should decide whether class arbitration is available where the agreement is silent on the matter.

  • 07.28.16

    Take Two: EEOC Amends Pay Data Collection Proposal

    Tweaking its initial plan, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released an updated proposal about the collection of pay data from employers.

  • 07.15.16

    Patchwork Expands as More Cities Adopt Paid Sick Leave

    Following the recent example of Los Angeles and adding to the current patchwork of jurisdictions providing paid sick leave across the country, two other cities have enacted mandatory sick leave for employees.

  • 06.30.16

    LA Doubles Down on Sick Leave, Minimum Wage Increase

    Already facing new California employment-related requirements—including the adoption of mandatory sick leave and an uptick in the minimum wage—Los Angeles employers now have an added wrinkle to deal with.

  • 06.17.16

    California Considers Extending Fair Pay Act to Race, Ethnicity

    Reflecting the nationwide trend of pay equity, a new bill under consideration by California legislators would extend the state's Fair Pay Act (FPA) to include protections for race and ethnicity.

  • 06.06.16

    OSHA's Electronic Submission Rule Finalized

    Three years in the making, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) finalized a new rule mandating the electronic submission of injury and illness data from employers.

  • 05.19.16

    Labor Department Issues Final Amendments to Overtime Exemptions

    On May 18, the U.S. Department of Labor issued publicly its long-awaited final regulations updating the "White Collar" exemptions to the minimum wage and overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

  • 05.18.16

    Defend Trade Secrets Act Becomes Law

    Passed by an overwhelming majority of the federal legislature, the Defend Trade Secrets Act (DTSA) became law with President Barack Obama's signature on May 11, 2016.



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