• 02.17.17

    Case Not Moot Even After Rule 67 Funds Deposited

    Is a Telephone Consumer Protection Act class action moot where a defendant actually deposits sufficient funds with the court to satisfy a plaintiff’s claim pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 67?

  • 12.20.16

    Defendant’s Attempt to Moot TCPA Suit Fails (Again)

    A Telephone Consumer Protection Act defendant was unsuccessful in persuading a Massachusetts federal court judge to dismiss a putative class action under the statute despite offering the plaintiff $46,500 and promising to refrain from future violations.

  • 10.18.16

    New Record Deal Reached in TCPA Settlement

    In what could be the largest Telephone Consumer Protection Act settlement yet, a federal judge in the Northern District of Illinois signed off on a deal requiring three cruise marketing companies to pay up to $76 million to two classes of call recipients.

  • 08.16.16

    FCC Issues Report and Order on Budget Act Exemptions

    On August 11, 2016, the Federal Communications Commission issued a Report and Order implementing Section 301 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, which amended the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by excepting from the Act's consent requirement robocalls "made solely to collect a debt ...

  • 07.19.16

    FCC: U.S. Government Is Not a Person Under TCPA

    In response to petitions filed by three government contractors seeking clarification that the federal government and its agents were exempt from liability under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the Federal Communications Commission issued a declaratory ruling on July 5, finding that the ...

  • 05.24.16

    Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins: What Does It Mean for TCPA Lawsuits?

    As reported in our recent TCPA Connect, on May 16 the United States Supreme Court issued its highly anticipated ruling in Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins.

  • 05.17.16

    BREAKING: SCOTUS Rules on Spokeo, Significant Implications for TCPA Cases

    The Supreme Court of the United States ruled yesterday in Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins that a plaintiff must show an injury in fact before pursuing a claim for violation of the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), a holding that could have major repercussions for consumer plaintiffs pursuing claims ...

  • 04.20.16

    Podium P.O.V.: Observations From Marc Roth on PACE's Annual Convention

    I recently had the privilege of speaking at the Professional Association for Customer Engagement annual convention in Orlando.

  • 03.25.16

    State AGs Call on Legislators to Repeal TCPA Amendment

    On behalf of their consumer residents, a group of 25 state Attorneys General sent a letter to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation urging the lawmakers to pass the HANGUP Act.

  • 11.17.15

    SPECIAL FOCUS: FTC Conducts Workshop on Consumer Protection Issues in Lead Generation

    On Friday, October 30, 2015, the Federal Trade Commission hosted a full-day public workshop to explore consumer protection issues raised by online lead generation, with a special focus on the education and lending industries.



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