• 05.24.17

    Insurer Merger Saga Ends Without Guidance on Efficiency Claims

    Prior to calling off its nearly two-year fight to acquire competing insurer Cigna last week, Anthem urged the Supreme Court of the United States to hear its appeal from the lower courts’ rejections of its claims of significant efficiencies from the deal.

  • 04.25.17

    The DOJ's Case Against North Carolina Anti-Steering Agreements Permitted to Proceed

    The Department of Justice's (DOJ) case against Carolinas Healthcare System's (CHS) anti-steering contract clauses has survived initial attempts by CHS to dismiss the case.

  • 03.23.17

    Repeal of Antitrust Immunity for Insurers: What Does It Mean?

    Insurers are among a handful of industries, including Major League Baseball, that have a special exemption from the federal antitrust laws, the so-called "McCarran-Ferguson" antitrust exemption.

  • 02.22.17

    DOJ Successfully Blocks Insurance Mergers: What Are the Takeaways?

    In July 2016, following a lengthy review, the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ), together with several states, sued to block two proposed health insurer mergers: Aetna/Humana and Anthem/Cigna.

  • 01.23.17

    Top Five Healthcare Antitrust Trends to Watch in 2017

    Antitrust enforcement and litigation had a big year in 2016. In this article, we look back at the most significant cases for the healthcare industry over the last year to identify key trends to watch for in 2017.

  • 12.19.16

    Telehealth for Healthy Competition

    As providers look for more convenient and cost-effective means to reach patients, there has been much discussion about the potential benefits of telehealth services. Such services also are healthy from an antitrust perspective. Against a backdrop of regular advocacy in favor of lowering barriers to ...

  • 11.21.16

    Post-Election Analysis: Healthcare Antitrust in a Trump Administration

    In a Republican sweep of all the elected branches of the federal government, Donald Trump won the presidential election and Republicans retained control of the House and Senate.

  • 10.31.16

    DOJ to Investigate No-Poach and Wage-Fixing Agreements Criminally

    Human resources professionals beware. Conversations with others in your industry regarding employee pay, benefits and no-hire agreements could land you in jail.

  • 10.20.16

    Third Circuit Reverses Hospital Merger Loss

    On September 27, 2016, the Third Circuit handed the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) a significant victory in its campaign against hospital consolidation, reversing a District Court decision that denied a preliminary injunction against the merger of Penn State Hershey Medical Center (Hershey) and ...

  • 09.22.16

    Can Antitrust Prevent Excessive Drug Price Increases?

    The antitrust agencies are often asked to intervene in markets where pricing appears to be excessive to help protect consumers and stabilize markets. In the drug arena, healthcare providers, consumers and politicians have been extremely vocal in criticizing some companies, such as Mylan, Valeant ...



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