• 03.18.15

    California TCPA Suit Moves Forward

    A putative class action alleging violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act by Bebe Stores will move forward after a California federal court judge denied defendant’s motion to dismiss.

  • 03.04.15

    California Legislation to Consider: Mandatory Paid Sick Leave

    Employers in California face a host of new laws set to take effect in the coming months. In the next few issues of the newsletter, we will highlight some of the key legislation and how it will impact businesses in the state.

  • 02.25.15

    What Is the Impact of St. Luke’s Loss on Merging Providers?

    Last February, Manatt Health Update examined the January 24, 2014, decision of the U.S. District Court in Boise that St. Luke’s Health System’s acquisition of Saltzer Medical Group, Idaho’s largest independent physicians’ practice, violated the Clayton Act.

  • 02.24.15

    Appellate Practice Roundup - February 2015

    Over the past few months, a number of important appellate procedure opinions have issued in federal and California appellate courts regarding posttrial motions, appealability, and appellate jurisdiction under various circumstances.

  • 02.17.15

    TCPA Suit on Hold Pending FCC Petitions

    A federal court judge has stayed a class action pending a decision by the Federal Communications Commission on the issue of whether the agency overstepped its bounds by issuing regulations stating that the Telephone Consumer Protection Act requires solicited fax advertisements to include opt-out ...

  • 02.04.15

    No Class Action Waivers on PAGA Claims: With Cert Denial, California’s Iskanian Decision Stands

    It’s official: The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to review the California Supreme Court’s decision in Iskanian v. CLS Transportation Los Angeles.

  • 01.23.15

    U.S. Supreme Court: Security Screenings Not Compensable

    In a closely watched case, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously reversed the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to rule that the time spent by workers undergoing security screenings is not compensable under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) because it was not “integral and ...

  • 01.21.15

    Dish Could Face Billions in TCPA Liability

    Dish Network is liable under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act not only for telemarketing calls made by the company, but for those a call center and other third parties made on its behalf, a federal court judge in Illinois has ruled.

  • 12.15.14

    Burger King Settles TCPA Suit for Whopping $8.5M

    Letting the class have it their way, Burger King reached an $8.5 million deal to settle a Telephone Consumer Protection Act suit over fax advertisements.

  • 12.10.14

    California Jury Awards Record $185M Verdict to Female Employee

    A California jury made national headlines and terrified employers across the country when it awarded $185 million in punitive damages (and less than $1 million in compensatories) to a female employee who alleged gender and pregnancy discrimination against AutoZone.



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