• 04.02.20

    Key Features of Section 1135 Waivers

    In response to the national emergency created by COVID-19, Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar issued a declaration on March 13, invoking his authority under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA) to waive or modify certain federal healthcare requirements.

  • 03.31.20

    COVID-19: Top 5 Challenges Facing Long-Term Care Providers

    The nation’s nursing facilities, assisted-living facilities, inpatient rehabilitation facilities and home care providers—and their long-term care (LTC) workforce—are at the forefront of the COVID-19 crisis.

  • 03.30.20

    Summary of Healthcare Provisions of COVID-19 Stimulus Package #3 (CARES Act)

    On March 27, Congress passed a third stimulus package in response to COVID-19—H.R. 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act).

  • 03.27.20

    Miscellaneous Employee Benefit Provisions of the CARES Act

    From March 27 through the end of 2020, employers may use an Internal Revenue Code Section 127 educational expense reimbursement plan to assist employees in repaying their student loans obtained for qualified higher education.

  • 03.27.20

    Emerging Company Fundraising: What to Expect as a Result of COVID-19

    As has become clear to all of us, the devastating spread of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, has created a public health crisis, disrupted the global economy and challenged us to rethink the fundamental considerations of all businesses, especially the economic imperatives for ...

  • 03.26.20

    COVID-19: Health System Policy and Guidance Updates on Selected Issues

    To help our clients and friends navigate a complex and rapidly changing landscape, Manatt Health is providing this summary of developments related to selected issues for health systems and providers as of March 26, 2020.

  • 03.20.20

    Summary of Key Healthcare Provisions in the Second COVID-19 Stimulus Bill

    Late Wednesday afternoon, the U.S. Senate passed—by a 90-8 vote—the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, a COVID-19 stimulus package.

  • 03.19.20

    HHS Issues COVID-19 HIPAA Waivers

    On March 17, HHS exercised its waiver authority under Section 1135 of the Social Security Act to waive several administrative obligations imposed on hospitals under the HIPAA Privacy Rule.

  • 03.19.20

    COVID-19: Health Plan Regulatory Issues

    This document summarizes regulatory issues for health insurers, managed care entities and employment-based health plans in light of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

  • 03.18.20

    Pain Relief Device Marketers to Pay $4M

    The marketers of a pain relief device reached a deal with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), agreeing to pay at least $4 million and stop making the claims challenged by the agency as false and deceptive.  



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