• 10.30.19

    CSBS Seeks Comment on Model Law for Money Services Businesses

    The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) has proposed legislation for adoption by the states in an effort to streamline and make uniform requirements for money service businesses (MSBs).

  • 10.30.19

    California Goes Public With Banks

    One of the many bills enacted into law during the California Legislature’s end-of-session rush was Assembly Bill 857, which authorized the creation of “public banks” to support local economies and community development and address infrastructure and housing needs for ...

  • 10.16.19

    Lawmakers Urge Rulemaking to Overturn Madden

    In Madden v. Midland Funding, LLC, the Second Circuit refused to rule that the National Bank Act (NBA) pre-empted state law usury claims against an assignee of a national bank.

  • 10.16.19

    BSA/AML News: FinCEN Remarks, New Bill

    In Bank Secrecy Act and anti-money laundering (BSA/AML) news, a bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced a bill aimed at updating AML laws that would require companies to disclose their true owners at the time of incorporation.

  • 10.16.19

    CFPB News: Self-Inflicted Wounds on Constitutionality and Other Developments

    Is the CFPB putting its own prior conduct at risk? Over the last few weeks at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB or Bureau), Director Kathleen Kraninger herself declared the structure of the CFPB unconstitutional, placing the director in a position arguably adverse to her own ...

  • 10.16.19

    Bank (Finally) Gets Plaintiffs’ Claims Sent to Individual Arbitration

    A major national bank won a motion to dismiss in a multidistrict litigation challenging its overdraft fee practices, sending the individual plaintiffs’ disputes to arbitration pursuant to customer account or deposit agreements.

  • 09.25.19

    Déjà Vu: D.C. Court Dismisses Challenge to OCC’s Fintech Charter

    In the latest battle over the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC’s) plan to issue special purpose national bank (SPNB) charters, a D.C. federal judge has for a second time dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS).

  • 09.25.19

    Eleventh Circuit Tosses Online Lender’s Forum Selection, Class Waiver Clauses

    Siding with six consumers who filed suit asserting violations of state usury laws against online lenders, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit has affirmed a decision by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia, holding that the enforcement of forum selection ...

  • 09.25.19

    Class Actions: Ninth Circuit Panel Allows Judge to Prohibit Precertification Settlement Negotiations

    Taking the cautious view of a district court’s judicial discretion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit declined to grant a writ of mandamus seeking to overturn a case management order that prohibited precertification class settlement discussions.

  • 09.25.19

    State AGs to SEC: Your "Best" is Not Good Enough

    Led by New York Attorney General Letitia James, a group of eight state AGs filed suit against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), challenging the agency’s recently enacted Regulation BI (Best Interest).



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