• 01.01.13

    Manatt Real Estate Co-Chair Interviewed on CMBS Comeback

    Law360 interviewed Manatt's Tom Muller, co-chair of the firm's Real Estate & Land Use Practice, on the recovery of the commercial mortgage-backed securities industry.As reported by Law360, a surge of activity in the U.S. real estate market is expected in 2013, and though the market ...

  • 12.24.12

    Manatt Partner Speaks on Biggest Entertainment Cases in 2013

    Manatt Partner Speaks on Biggest Entertainment Cases in 2013"Hollywood Put Up Its Dukes in Big Litigation in 2012"Daily JournalDecember 24, 2012 - Manatt's Eric Custer, a partner in the firm's Entertainment Practice, spoke to the Daily Journal about Hollywood's hot-issue legal ...

  • 12.21.12

    Manatt Partner Interviewed on Charitable Gift Increases in 2012

    Manatt Partner Interviewed on Charitable Gift Increases in 2012"Deduction Uncertainty Fuels Giving by the Wealthy"The Chronicle of PhilanthropyDecember 21, 2012 - Manatt's Jill Dodd, a partner in the firm's Family Wealth Transfer Planning & Trust and Estate Administration and ...

  • 12.21.12

    Manatt Partner Comments on Navajo Nation Coal Mine Agreement

    Manatt Partner Comments on Navajo Nation Coal Mine Agreement"Navajo Nation to Buy Mine, Help Preserve Power Plant"GreenwireDecember 21, 2012 - Manatt's Craig Moyer, chair of the firm's Land, Environment & Natural Resources Division, spoke to Greenwire on what acquiring a ...

  • 12.20.12

    Manatt Health Partner Comments on Healthcare Data Breaches

    Manatt Health Partner Comments on Healthcare Data Breaches"How to Prevent Healthcare Data Breaches (and What to Do If You're a Victim)"CIODecember 20, 2012 - Manatt's Robert Belfort, a partner in the firm's Healthcare Division, spoke to CIO about how organizations can ...

  • 12.17.12

    AdvertisingAge Quotes Manatt Advertising Chair on FTC Director's Stepping Down

    AdvertisingAge Quotes Manatt Advertising Chair on FTC Director's Stepping Down"FTC Director Vladeck Stepping Down, Leaving Activist Legacy"AdvertisingAgeDecember 17, 2012 - Manatt's Linda Goldstein, chair of the firm's Advertising, Marketing & Media Division, spoke to AdvertisingAge on the ...

  • 12.17.12

    Joel Ario Discusses New HHS Priorities

    Joel Ario Discusses New HHS Priorities"10 More State Exchange Plans Submitted"Modern HealthcareDecember 17, 2012 - Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, discussed with Modern Healthcare the priorities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, now that the ...

  • 12.17.12

    Forbes Seeks Advice from Manatt Partner on How Women Lawyers Can Succeed

    Forbes Seeks Advice from Manatt Partner on How Women Lawyers Can Succeed"Women in Law Need to Advocate for Themselves to Succeed"ForbesDecember 17, 2012 - In a special Q&A, Forbes interviewed Manatt's Timi Hallem, a partner in the firm's Real Estate & Land Use Practice, for an article ...

  • 12.15.12

    Modern Healthcare Quotes Deborah Bachrach on Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments

    Modern Healthcare Quotes Deborah Bachrach on Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments"Bumpy Road Ahead"Modern HealthcareDecember 15, 2012 - Modern Healthcare quoted Manatt's Deborah Bachrach, a special counsel in the firm's Healthcare Transaction & Policy Practice, on the uncertainty ...

  • 12.14.12

    Joel Ario Interviewed by CNN on Benefits of State-Run Exchanges

    Joel Ario Interviewed by CNN on Benefits of State-Run Exchanges"States Face Health Care Deadline Today"CNNDecember 14, 2012 - CNN anchor Don Lemon interviewed Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, on how states would benefit from setting up their own health ...



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