• 03.04.15

    Ario Discusses Justice Anthony Kennedy as Swing Vote in King v. Burwell

    InsuranceNewsNet interviewed Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article on one of the Supreme Court justices that is considered to be a swing vote on the latest Affordable Care Act challenge.InsuranceNewsNet reports that Justice Anthony Kennedy could possibly be ...

  • 03.03.15

    Bloomberg Interviews Ario on Effects of King v. Burwell

    Bloomberg interviewed Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article on how a Supreme Court decision to stop Obamacare subsidies would affect the states that are not running their own exchanges.Bloomberg reports that the court will hear arguments in a case ...

  • 03.03.15

    Bachrach Comments on King v. Burwell

    HealthDay News interviewed Manatt's Deborah Bachrach, a partner in the firm's Healthcare practice, for an article on the latest legal showdown over the Affordable Care Act. At issue are the federal subsidies that help lower monthly health-plan premiums for people in 34 states that use ...

  • 03.02.15

    Politico Quotes Ario on Potential Impact of a Health Subsidy Invalidation

    Politico interviewed Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing partner with Manatt Health, for an article on what will happen to the 7 million to 8 million people who will lose health subsidies if the Supreme Court invalidates a key provision of Obamacare.Politico reports that the high court will hear ...

  • 03.01.15

    Healthcare Sector Sees Increase in Cyber Attacks

    Health Data Management interviewed Manatt's Robert Belfort, a partner in the firm's Healthcare practice, for an article on massive cybercrimes affecting healthcare organizations.Health Data Management reports that hospitals and other holders of medical data have long been targeted by ...

  • 02.27.15

    Indiana Reaches Medicaid Expansion Agreement

    Modern Healthcare interviewed Manatt's Deborah Bachrach, a partner in the firm's Healthcare practice, for an article on the agreement that has been reached between Republican Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and HHS over the state's Medicaid expansion proposal.As reported by Modern Healthcare, ...

  • 02.12.15

    The Future of Health Benefits for Children

    MedPage Today quoted Manatt's Melinda Dutton, a partner in the firm's Healthcare practice, in an article covering the National Children's Health Policy Conference, which focused on rethinking the design, benefits, and networks offered under the Affordable Care Act.As reported by MedPage ...

  • 02.09.15

    Bloomberg BNA Quotes Bachrach and Ario on ACA Innovation Waivers

    Bloomberg BNA quoted Manatt's Deborah Bachrach, a partner in the firm's Healthcare practice, and Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health Solutions, for an article on an ACA provision that takes effect in 2017.Bloomberg BNA reports that the ACA has been immensely controversial but ...

  • 02.02.15

    Ario Quoted on FL's Obamacare Success

    Kaiser Health News interviewed Manatt's Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article on how Republican-controlled Florida, whose leaders criticize the health law, is leading the nation in signing people up for private Obamacare health plans.Kaiser Health News reports that ...

  • 01.31.15

    Indiana's Medicaid Lockout Provision

    Modern Healthcare interviewed Manatt's Deborah Bachrach, a partner in the firm's Healthcare practice, for an article on Indiana's approved conservative plan to expand Medicaid, which locks low-income residents out of coverage or reduces their benefits if they don't pay their ...



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