• 01.03.17

    New CMS Leadership Could Terminate States’ Waivers

    Modern Healthcare quoted Manatt’s Cindy Mann, a partner with Manatt Health, for an article about the future of states’ approved and pending waivers under the Trump administration. A standard provision in each waiver’s terms and conditions allows either a state or the CMS to ...

  • 12.27.16

    What Indiana’s Health Policies Could Mean for the U.S.

    NPR interviewed Manatt’s Cindy Mann, a partner with Manatt Health, for an article about Seema Verma’s Medicaid program in Indiana.Verma has been selected by President-elect Donald Trump as the new head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The publication suggests that ...

  • 12.13.16

    Immediate ACA Repeal Would Jeopardize Coverage for Millions

    Bloomberg BNA quoted Manatt’s Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article about the anticipated changes to healthcare in the United States that a Republican Congress and the Trump administration have been discussing for 2017.“If Congress wants to get rid of this ...

  • 12.12.16

    Weighing Potential Pros and Cons of Medicaid Block Grants

    Health Plan Week interviewed Manatt’s Deborah Bachrach, a partner with Manatt Health, for an article on Medicaid’s potential move to block grants. While Medicaid is a federal entitlement program through which state funding is matched with federal dollars, block grants would be an ...

  • 12.07.16

    AK’s Draft 1332 Waiver Strikes a Balance

    Inside Health Reform interviewed Manatt’s Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article about Alaska’s draft ACA 1332 waiver designed to stabilize the state’s health insurance market.Ario told Inside Health Reform that the Obama administration wanted to make ...

  • 12.02.16

    Dignity Health Secures Supreme Court Hearing

    Law360 covered Manatt’s representation of Dignity Health in a bid for federal review of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit’s decision that church-affiliated hospitals like Dignity Health aren’t exempt from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Healthcare ...

  • 12.01.16

    IRC § 501 (r) Developments and the Importance of Compliance Programs

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has moved aggressively to ensure that tax-exempt hospitals are complying with financial assistance, billing and collection requirements under the Affordable Care Act.

  • 11.30.16

    More Requirements for Medicaid Enrollment Reduce Effectiveness

    Law360 quoted Manatt’s Deborah Bachrach, a partner with Manatt Health, for an article about Donald Trump’s pick for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services administrator, Seema Verma. Verma is likely to revisit waivers that focus on requiring beneficiaries to be employed, a caveat ...

  • 11.29.16

    What Block Grants for Medicaid Would Look Like

    Vox quoted Manatt’s Deborah Bachrach, a partner with Manatt Health, for an article about House Budget Chair Rep. Tom Price’s budget proposal, which includes block grants for Medicaid. In return for accepting less money, block-granted states would get additional flexibility to decide ...

  • 11.28.16

    How Repealing the ACA Will Affect Hospitals

    Greenville News quoted Manatt’s Deborah Bachrach, a partner with Manatt Health, for an article about the impact that repealing the Affordable Care Act could have on hospitals.Repealing the ACA means more people will have less coverage, less comprehensive coverage or both, said Bachrach, and ...



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