• 05.10.17

    The Politics of Healthcare Legislation

    WCNY interviewed Manatt’s Bruce Gyory, a senior advisor with the firm’s government and regulatory practice, for a segment on how politics impact healthcare legislation.Gyory explained that historically, “whoever has owned the healthcare system has lost politically. The Democrats ...

  • 05.09.17

    AHA May Ask Trump to Ease IT Regulations

    Politico quoted Manatt’s Stephanie Anthony, a director with Manatt Health, for an article about what the American Hospital Association may pitch to President Donald Trump as priorities for easing regulations.The publication suggests that IT regulations may be among the top targets. Facilities ...

  • 05.09.17

    Uncertainty in Health Industry Causes Higher Premiums

    Bloomberg interviewed Manatt’s Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article about how turmoil in the health industry is affecting insurers.“It would be good to have some more aggressive stabilization efforts going on,” said Ario. “Uncertainty equals ...

  • 05.04.17

    The Impact of Repealing the Individual Mandate

    The Atlantic quoted Manatt’s Jocelyn Guyer, a managing director with Manatt Health, in an article detailing what the AHCA would do if it became law.One part of the AHCA repeals the tax penalty for Obamacare’s individual mandate, which the Congressional Budget Office found would increase ...

  • 05.04.17

    AHCA Sets Up Insurers for Fights Over Benefit Packages

    Law360 quoted Manatt’s Michael Kolber, a partner with Manatt Health, in an article about the key takeaways for attorneys from the AHCA’s passage.Kolber said that with key factors like the essential health benefits requirements for individual and small-group plans up for grabs across the ...

  • 05.04.17

    States May Face Ending Medicaid Expansion Under AHCA

    Modern Healthcare interviewed Manatt’s Deborah Bachrach, a partner with Manatt Health, for an article about how the AHCA might impact states’ decisions on Medicaid expansion.The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected in March that five million fewer people would be enrolled ...

  • 05.03.17

    Combining Reinsurance Efforts Would Help Keep Premiums Down

    Modern Healthcare interviewed Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article about a last-minute proposal by House Republicans for funding to help cover insurance costs for people with pre-existing medical conditions in the AHCA.It would be better if Congress consolidated the ...

  • 04.28.17

    Health Industry Response to Breach Varies Widely

    Health Data Management quoted Manatt’s Robert Belfort, a partner with Manatt Health, in an article about a data breach at Western Health Screening.The company is offering three tiers of protective services to affected individuals whose information may have been on the flash drive that was in ...

  • 04.28.17

    Insurers Seek Extensions on Rate Filing Deadlines Amid Uncertainty

    Politico Pro interviewed Manatt’s Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, for an article about how states are accommodating insurers amid uncertainty in the marketplace.Ario said that even states that don't formally move their deadlines will still be open to insurers asking for ...

  • 04.25.17

    An Alternative for ACA Marketplaces in Small States

    Vox quoted Manatt’s Joel Ario, a managing director with Manatt Health, in an article about how to improve the ACA markets.Some smaller states, such as D.C. and Vermont, have opted to require all individual plans to be sold through their ACA marketplaces."It’s better policy," ...



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