Manatt to sponsor ACI’s 29th National Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Manatt is pleased to sponsor the ACI Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Conference taking place in New York on Tuesday, April 16 to Wednesday, April 17, 2013. The completely revised program agenda includes new panels, new speakers, a two-part Focus on Third Parties, and more benchmarking opportunities.

Manatt partner Jacqueline C. Wolff, will speak on the topic of "Minimizing FCPA Risk Exposure in Majority, Minority and Contractual Joint Ventures."The panel will cover updates and effective strategies for contractual joint ventures, such as:

  • Contrasting risks raised by minority, majority and contractual joint ventures
  • How to approach due diligence and supervision strategies for each type of JV
  • Practical strategies for obtaining real cooperation from prospective partners
  • Managing joint venture risks when participants are subject to different legal regimes
  • Knowing what US authorities expect of JVs versus other third party relationships and what sort of behavior can trigger an investigation
  • Understanding how a JV partner fits in the UKBA definition of "associated person"

The conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza Times Square Manhattan, New York, NY. For more information about this event, please click here.